Episode 07: Balancing Family, Health, & Real Estate with guest Luke Anderson

Join JD, Annabel, and Melissa (The Real Estate Jam) with Luke Anderson (Kick the Tiger Project) as he talks about solving problems in the real estate space. They talk about his perspective of masterminds, what benefits he gains from them, and the differences between paid and free mentorship. He also shares how his other businesses related to his real estate ventures, identifying his strengths to limit what he does in his many projects and finding the right people.


By the end of this episode, you will learn to have joy in the work that you do, be honest with everything (both the good and the bad), and understand the value of educating yourself and having a functional CRM. Enjoy the podcast!




About Kick the Tiger Project:


Life requires you to kick a few tigers! Tigers (AKA struggles, trials, trauma, obstacles, etc) shouldn’t slow you down or stop you from living the life God designed for you. Every tiger is placed in your life for you to overcome, which in turn creates a deeper strength and understanding of the path God has for you. The ever-popular phrase, “God doesn’t give you what you can’t handle”. At Kick The Tiger Project, we don’t believe that. God gives us what we think we can’t handle, but has given us the tools and resources to handle it. The tigers you face in life won’t be easy, but they will build you into the person you always wanted to become… if you let it. Kick The Tiger Project is a mindset resource to help you conquer the tigers in your life. If you live with chronic pain, a TBI, or have gone through difficult traumas, I am here for you. The pain you feel doesn’t have to define who you are or what you are capable of. Your trauma is not your identity.




You can find Luke Anderson on…

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukeanderson-billingsmt



Connect with The Real Estate Jam!

Website: https://www.shorefrontrestorations.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ShorefrontRestorations

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shorefrontrestorations/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_CWAV1OvH81yp6fITB4lg

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